Just about everyone I’ve come in contact with during the last few months has had pneumonia, or pnuemonia-like symptoms. Some became symptomatic with a new fever and cough after they had been treated with antibiotics and the initial fever was cured.

I also was diagnosed with pneumonia secondary to sepsis and would have died had I not sought treatment as quickly as I did. About four months later it, or something resembling it, reappeared prompting another course of antibiotic treatment, this time with an antibiotic of last resort, levofloxacin – the drug used to treat anthrax exposure and the plague, which is reportedly being discontinued in the USA in 2020 due to severe side effects and multiple reported deaths associated with the drug.

  • The makers of a popular antibiotic have halted production on the drug amid safety concerns. Janssen pharmaceutical companies of Johnson & Johnson discontinued production of Levaquin in December 2017, including the oral and IV versions. However, Levaquin may still be available in pharmacies until 2020. Jul 17, 2018
  • In addition, our investigation obtained an FDA database of adverse effects and found 3,000 deaths and 200,000 complaints of serious effects associated with Levaquin and similar drugs.

If people can be tested for coronavirus, then it is imperative that anyone presenting with pneumonia-type symptoms be tested for that virus, if we are truly concerned about limiting it’s spread and not just paying lip-service to the reality on the ground by simply watching the devastation absent a plan to curb it.

There needs to be a more aggressive reporting and testing of anyone presenting with symptoms, no matter the age, gender, socio-economic status or location.

I do not believe the numbers being reported are accurate. They never are accurate. The government always waits too long to prevent panic. The public needs to know the truth so they can take their own measures.

People who have the virus need to be appropriately quarantined.

Can people be a carrier of the virus and not be symptomatic?

How long can a symptomatic person spread the contagion to others?

How long after initiation of treatment do they stay contagious?

Can humans spread the virus to other animals, dogs, cats etc. to whom they come in close contact?

Regarding restaurant workers who prepare and serve food and beverage: Can the virus in a contaminated person be passed onto the food and/or utensils?

Given that Asian restaurants use Asian vendors as their food suppliers, what is the government doing to protect the consumer, besides declaring the risk non-existent or minimal, when it isn’t actually known?

I, for one, will not be eating or drinking outside the home, since each time I became infected with whatever it was I initially contracted, it happened after eating and drinking at local restaurants.

What is the government telling restaurant workers and their bosses about requiring infected workers to come to work?

What do these workers do if time off leads to insufficient funds for paying bills. Any grace periods being offered, and short term no-interest loans?

The government and news outlets need to exercise extreme caution when dismissing the impact of the existing threat. Pandemonium can occur, if and when the masses believe the government is feeding them lies for the purpose of protecting individual small and large business interests. 

My own primary care person doubted whether I even had pneumonia. Even though I was treated in the hospital for four days, nobody told me I had sepsis. I had to learn that on my own by requesting my medical records that showed it.

A cable network station needs to be set up presenting facts and news about the coronavirus 24/7 from around the world in real time – not a month later.

Inform, inform, inform. At every level.


What has Ukraine done for the USA? Nothing, but promise us Crimea during the Olympics, which we lost, because we had no global right to it.

The country is bankrupt. No one really thinks all that money promised Ukraine is going to go into a missile defense shield operated by the USA, do they? This is Karsai and Afghanistan all over again. I say, let the Americans vote on who gets what and when and how much.

It’s the taxpayers who pay. All the middle people. Our money could be better spent on providing our own citizens a better quality of life.

Seniors took a big hit when the cost of medicare increased and absorbed the increase in social security standard of living benefits. I ended up with 2 dollars a month. Our rent increases every year – by a lot more than 2 dollars.

The healthcare system works only for the very poor and the rich and upper middle classes. Seniors are not a protected class in reality – and they come from all sectors.

I’d like to know how many IOUs to social security funds are still outstanding, that were used for other than seniors. Senior residences are being converted into HUD operated entities used as dumping grounds for all ages and special demographics, leaving the seniors to have to look for other places to live.

We need to stop bailing out other countries who abuse their own funds, at the taxpayer’s expense. The current strategy of paying countries to like us needs to stop. They squander the funds and always come back for more.

Ukraine isn’t keeping Americans safe.

President Trump took the correct actions by demanding Ukraine get their financial house in order before dumping billions of dollars on them, which will end up in the bank accounts of the rich and powerful Ukrainians, absent any oversight. Stop throwing our money away.

3 > Submarines Are the Key To Israel’s Secret Nuclear Weapons Arsenal

Ever wonder why the USA can tell if Iran is enriching uranium or launching a missile and when North Korea is moving their missiles from one site to another, and when Syria moves any of their biological weapons, but the USA can’t confirm if Israel has a nuclear weaponry program?

It appears to have been revealed. One of the Israeli people revealing it said it was “childish” to keep hiding it. Yet, they don’t call Iran childish for hiding theirs, given that Israeli government forces are correct in claiming Iran is hiding their nuclear weapons program as well.

Maybe since one is doing the hiding for real, it is assumed that the other is doing the same. You know, how a thief always accuses somebody else of stealing, even when they’re not? But to wage war by the use of crippling economic sanctions against a country you claim is doing exactly what you’re doing, is dangerous and wholly discriminatory.

So why should the world trust Israel on anything, when on the most important things they operate so recklessly by lying about them, then calling the lies nothing more than “childish”?

Israel has a long history of violence and aggression toward their neighbors. A long history of assassinations, while setting up others to take the blame. I don’t doubt for a minute that Israeli interests used chemical weapons against Syrian citizens years ago, that they blamed on Bashar al-Assad, President of Syria. They claimed then not to have such weapons. Once you tell a lie like that, nobody can trust you.

There are things you don’t lie about: having nuclear weapons and chemical weapons are two of them. Now the world has lost its edge on controlling nuclear weapons proliferation in the Middle East. Israel is the cause and fault of that.

The hypocrisy is glaring and the result dangerous.

4 >Kevin Bacon murder: Insanity defense planned for suspect Mark Latunski

The guy’s name who Mark David Latunski murdered and ate is Kevin Bacon. Whoa, he must have thought he was a pig. Not much difference between a human and a pig. I can see this escalating or evolving into a human animal problem. An epidemic even. Human flesh, human blood, human milk, human skin, human bones, human organs, human hair – all for sale on the human underground market.

Detroit? That’s too close to Cleveland for my comfort. In fairness, if fairness applies here, why call a person insane who eats a human, yet eat any other animal and it is not only okay, but encouraged? In fact, if you don’t eat other animals, you’re ostracized by society. That’s the real insanity operating in the world today.

5 >Illinois governor clears thousands of marijuana convictions

This can’t happen fast enough.

While they’re at it, release from prison all non-violent offenders. Revenge needs to stop and rehabilitation begin for those who need it, who are currently serving sentences for non-violent crimes.

The article refers to Black aka Africans as benefiting the most from this new law. It’s unfortunate that laws are designed for specific groups rather than everyone. The article fails to mention how many Euro-Americans, Asian- Americans, Indian-Americans et al will also benefit, which slants the entire system in prejudicial ways. Whether for or against the minority or majority, prejudicial legislation and intent never lead to a fair place.

6 >Thousands of animals sacrificed in Nepal Hindu ritual amid outcry

Killing can be halted immediately. What to do with the animals after that takes some planning. How do they get all those animals in one place?

* If we are all God’s creatures, why would anyone think to savagely murder defenseless creatures on behalf of the one who supposedly created them? To bring them good luck? 

* This is HUMAN SUPREMACY at work.

* Only an evil God would praise such an evil gift.

* Good luck does not come from an evil act.

7 >Court says EU states must label Israeli settlement products

Yes. Thank you for moving in a positive direction against illegal occupation of Palestine by Israel.

Those products of which Israelis speak are not made in Israel. They are made in Israeli-occupied areas of Palestine.

How blatant the theft, to steal the Palestinian’s ability to grow their own produce to sell on the world markets to support themselves, while simultaneously extracting Palestinian-grown olive trees from Palestinian ground, so the Israeli settlers could grow their own produce where the Palestinians once grew theirs.

Do you know how long it takes for an olive tree to grow and bear fruit? Five years to begin bearing fruit and full fruit growth in seven to eight years. Do you know the pain associated with losing all those years?

I do, and I never grew an olive tree. Why doesn’t the rest of the world see the pain Israelis inflict on the Palestinians? Take their hope away. I heard that many times in Ariel Sharon’s day. How do they do that? By taking Palestine’s means to support themselves away and turning ownership rights willy-nilly over to themselves. That’s called stealing. Larceny. Grand theft. Bigger than grand theft.

That the Israelis laugh at how poor the Palestinians, that they can’t support themselves, so they don’t deserve to be an independent nation is egregious. Unforgivable behavior by Israelis who claim to want peace with their neighbors.

  • Israel does not consider Palestinians their neighbors. People of the world need to come to grips with Israeli thought on who is their neighbor. All countries, except the one they occupy.

Israel needs to be stopped. The entire world knows that Israel will not stop themselves. The entire world knows of their claims not to be psychologically or physically capable of stopping themselves. Ariel Sharon incredulously said, “nobody stops us”. Nothing has changed.

Nobody has, all these years later.

When people say that, and then they demonstrate that to be a truth, then the world has no choice but to intervene and stop them before they do more damage.

The Palestinian people are in massive incarceration camps throughout those Israeli-occupied territories. They are slaves. They are not free to survive and thrive.

And now, Israelis take their plants. THEIR PLANTS! How low can anybody go? That which a people needs to subsist, the enemy, now appropriately called Adolph Hitler, moves in and takes those TOO!

The European Union took an important action. Now it is the responsibility of the USA to second that action by lifting the ban on boycotting products made by Israelis in Israeli-occupied territories.

It is morally reprehensible for Israelis to uproot Palestinian olive trees and then to plant their own seeds and sell the produce on the world market under the fake label of Made In Israel.

The gall it took. How stupid the Israelis must think the rest of the world is to accept such a lie.

The USA has factories all over the world, where they hire foreigners to operate those factories. When a product from any of those places enters for sale into the USA it has on its label the name of the foreign entity where it was actually made. It does not say MADE IN THE USA.

  • Nobody should trust any country that uses fake labels of origin on any product sold anywhere.

The only way Made In Israel could not be a fake label would be if all of Palestine was included under the Israeli flag of nationship and it clearly is not.

Palestinians are not Israelis and they do not benefit from Israeli businesses on Palestinian land. Even if they did, they still couldn’t call it Made In Israel.

  • Next stop USA. All Jewish companies that make products in the USA will now put on their labels Made In Israel. That’s the plan. No one really thought this was the end of the Israeli Domination plan did they?

The same thing will happen in Europe. The European Jews will cry anti-Semitism, they’ll stage a bunch of carefully designated, strategically placed attacks done by their own people, claiming the second Holocaust is coming and the sky will fall all over the world. Why? Because the Jews will make it fall.

Don’t succumb to their antics. They will act like addicts in need of a fix. Don’t give it. It’s time they went through the withdrawal of “we can no longer control the world through terrorizing public officials and businesses. We can no longer make people’s lives living hells till they give us what we want when we want it.”

Israelis made a huge blunder when they slapped a Made In Israel label on goods made in occupied territories. That was a sneaky, underhanded move that unfortunately the USA sanctioned by punishing businesses in the USA who refused to buy products made by Israelis in occupied Palestine.

How did they punish them? In the way Benjamin Netanyahu told them to punish them. Refuse them government contracts. What did the USA Congress do? Exactly that – democrats and republicans participated in punishing American citizens who own and operate businesses in the USA, by telling them who they could and could not buy from, at the expense of being denied government contracts.

So Israel really is running the USA?

The USA Congress colluded with Israel to keep an enslaved people enslaved by stealing its ability to support themselves.

Grow your own food in your own land, not on somebody else’s, then labeling it made in yours.

The arrogance required to think they rule all the world in all matters Israeli and regarding all matters Palestinian and regarding all matters American and regarding all matters European should make the entire world they claim to control stand up and say, “no you don’t”. Asia too?

The European Union just did that.

  • Make that move count for freedom for all peoples, not everyone except the Palestinians whom the Israelis need to keep under their thumbs as their forever slaves.

The entire world seeks to free all enslaved people, except the Palestinians in Palestine.

  • In hindsight, strategically, Jews should have called the homeland they sought Palestine, instead of naming it Israel after a minority of people who lived there.

Actually, Humpty-Humpty can be put back together again. I’ve seen people do it.

8 >House passes bill making animal cruelty a federal felony

Although this recent passage is a victory, it’s attached to an animal crushing law that only outlaws animal crushing if interstate or foreign commerce is involved.

In other words, it’s only illegal to crush animals if you use interstate or foreign commerce to distribute the videos taken of the horrific deeds for sexual pleasure. So stay in your state and do all the crushing you want – is what I’m hearing. Sell your videos in your home state and you’ll be okay.

Now what kind of law is that? What kind of deterrent is that?

It sounds like some of these lawmakers on Capitol Hill want their home states to be able to crush animals for sexual pleasure and that maybe some of these lawmakers are participants in the torture and the carnage.

It sure sounds suspicious to me.

9 >Facebook’s Zuckerberg Had ‘Constructive’ Meeting With President Trump

Whatever did or didn’t come out of the meeting between President Trump and Mark Zuckerberg, CEO and co-founder of Facebook multibillionaire isn’t as important right now as the fact that the meeting took place and, to the outside observer, appeared cordial and respectful. That’s the way professionals ought to conduct themselves.

That Zuckerberg wants to produce his own currency and essentially become a bank should alarm those concerned about the privacy rights of Facebook users. Banks are meticulous, or should be, in matters of privacy. Mark Zuckerberg hasn’t shown the public to date that he can handle privacy issues with the seriousness they require. Giving advertisers unfettered access to Facebook contacts, private messaging and emails should alarm everybody, friend or foe. He conveniently sidesteps the fact that he’s a multibillionaire because of those practices, and instead focuses on the ‘cost’ of connecting the world, which is supposedly his so-called lofty goal which is the foundation of all of this corruption that made him filthy rich.

Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t have the experience nor track the record in protecting the privacy of his customer base to make a jitter-free business transition from social media to establishing his own currency.

He is jumping too quickly into a banking field he knows little about, before he has adequately dealt with the haphazard way he runs his current companies with little oversight or accountability. Acting naive as he does to the inner workings of Facebook isn’t going to cut it in the banking world. It isn’t enough in that world to operate from an ‘adequate‘ model or from an ‘arrogance’ model that puts everybody but himself in a category of too stupid to understand what he knows and they don’t.

Attempting to connect every individual in the world to each other for his own financial benefit, on the backs of those customers whose privacy he knowingly invades and violates, would land other people committing similar deeds in jail. Others would see him as messianic – king of the world. The only reason I see for doing it, when he isn’t much of a social guy himself, and when the CIA is operating within that system, is for the purpose of spying on the entire world. In other words, it’s a lot easier to spy on individuals who all gather at the same place. They already spy on governments, with individuals it’s not as easy, especially in other countries. And it is costly. Facebook makes it easy.

Protecting a person’s rights against unlawful search and seizure of their personal space and property when executed by advertising agencies for the purpose of profit has not been adequately dealt with by Mr. Zuckerberg, the USA congress or the Supreme Court. We all know what search means, but the seizure definition given by Zuckerberg is not adequate, because it doesn’t fit. When someone copies my private personal material against my knowledge and/or will and then uses it in undisclosed ways for profit, that’s seizure. It doesn’t matter that the original documents remain with the customer, as he claimed. That’s not the point here.

The point is the copying and the usage of those documents which corrupt the originals, since they are no longer free from a corrupt money-making scheme, that could be attached to sex trafficking or drug money laundering or slaughtering animals. Name a money-making scheme or endeavor and your personal information is connected to it via the Madison Avenue Spy And Steal Mode Of Operations For Profit.

What is Madison Avenue paying Facebook customers for that unfettered invasive access and retrieval of their private information? I don’t want MASAS to have access to my mother and her friends and neighbors for the purpose of using their names and everything about them to sell their products or for any other purpose.

Why should MASAS be given authority, that law enforcement or intelligence agencies in the USA have to go to a FISA court to get approved? Why is Facebook immune? Why is MASAS immune? These are all legitimate questions that need answers now.

Why is congress stalling on this? To give Facebook CIA time to cover or erase their tracks? Where is Nancy Pelosi on this? Oh right, because she doesn’t know anything about Facebook, how could she know anything about FISA warrants for profit.

Yes, FISA WARRANTS FOR PROFIT is what MASAS’s actions amount to. Madison Avenue has a FISA WARRANT FOR PROFIT with no expiration date against every USA citizen and dare I imply every world citizen. No wonder China doesn’t want Facebook in it’s country. Who would, knowing the CIA operates within it. That’s what the CIA does. They spy. They spy and manipulate people.

Zuckerberg’s disclaimers essentially stating that that’s what these advertising companies do, and the customer has to either agree to let them continue or stop using Facebook, when he actively took measures using CIA manipulation tactics, to addict people to the process, is illegal and immoral. It’s communism at it’s height of arrogance.

Communism is not our system of government. It is not supported by the USA Constitution or Bill of Rights. Nowhere in the Constitution or Bill of Rights or Amendments to the Constitution does it say or imply that advertising agencies have special rights to spy on their prospective or existing customers and to make copies and steal the impressions to use for profit or for any other reason.

Facebook is not an advertising agency. Mark Zuckerberg is not an advertising agency. Customers of Facebook are not customers of advertising agencies.

Breaking and entering is what it’s called, when high-powered technology dives into specifically targeted data, breaching privacy walls. And they always say they’re making your lives easier by bringing to you what you like to buy. I don’t want people to know what I’m buying. I just bought a pair of socks, I go to Facebook to catch up and sock ads pop up all over. Why? I already bought the socks, and Facebook wants me to buy more, even though I can’t afford it? What are they going to do to me if I don’t? Or I talked on the phone regarding socks I need to buy for my husband, I go to Facebook to catch up and ads pop up all over the place regarding socks. Whoa. That is scary.

Let me tell you something. I have never gone to Facebook to shop for anything. I shop where they sell product. That they spy and then show me what they think I want to see does not impress nor help me in any way. It is a huge irritant that they tell me what to buy after I’ve already bought it.

It’s called unlawful search and seizure, because there is no crime committed by the Facebook user. Yet, Facebook is acting like the FBI, combing everybody’s data and using it for who knows what purpose in addition to monetary gain. It’s like absolving a doctor from malpractice claims before the surgery is performed. There may be a law stating it is legal, because corrupt lawmakers passed such a law, but it can’t stand up to constitutional correctness, when someone’s rights for compensatory damages due to negligence or due to purposeful infliction of damage are blocked, thus violated, for the purpose of monetary gain or for the purpose of excusing without consequences negligent behavior, for which other people in similar situations would get prison-time.

Mark Zuckerberg may have the protection of the CIA in his shadowy enterprises that allow him to give MASAS operatives unfettered access to his customers with impunity, but does the world want the CIA to be controlling their banking systems as well? Wherever Facebook goes, there goes the CIA.

Referencing as privacy missteps, the intentional actions by Mark Zuckerberg to allow advertising agencies to search and seize, spy and steal on and from Facebook’s customers is naive and arrogant by those who claim to be concerned about those rights.  In my mind of privacy rights afforded under the USA Constitution, its Amendments and Bill of Rights those missteps are felonies, and Mark Zuckerberg is thumbing his nose to his customers, since those policies are still in practice. What changed, is now they admit it and give the customer the option of staying and complying or leaving. All social media platforms do the same. On Word Press, each time you click you have to agree to be used for their purposes or you can’t proceed.

This cannot go on as is. It must be addressed. The advertisers have no inherent right to any of your information that isn’t on public display, and even then everything a person creates is protected by copyright. MASAS operatives totally disregard copyright laws for the purpose of monetary gain using your material in undisclosed ways.

Nancy Pelosi and her gang of violators are naive and arrogant if they think they are above the USA Constitutional authority. Try infringing on one of their copyrighted works and see who’s cringing now.

10 >Advanced Alien Civilizations May Produce ‘Technosignatures’ That We Could Find, Experts Say

Who says an alien civilization needs to be advanced to exist? Because it’s so far away? Or because we’re so far from it, that we’re the advanced ones? In which direction along the time frame before it starts bending are you referencing?

Or are we basing that assumption on biological constraints?

Who says something alien to us has to be civilized? We’re not civilized. You mean moral? If biology isn’t in the field, then moral doesn’t matter.

What does intelligent civilization mean? Technologically advanced? You mean no going to school to learn it? No growth from birth to death of an alien? Where do aliens go when they die? If they don’t have skin, then what proves the death if not decay?

Why so stuck on radio transmission constraints? If all movement makes sound when one has the ears to hear it, then the universe is one heck of a noisy place. And you’re looking for a dew drop in the ocean. A radio wave like any other radio wave is like a dew drop like any other dew drop in a body of like-dew drops. You don’t have the sophistication to discern a different drop? Why? Because you don’t know what you’re looking for. You don’t know how it will be different.

How different is the unique radio transmission you’re looking for? You mean in alien radio language compared to human radio language? Why would they be different?

When astronauts go above the earths surface, do they really see the earth spinning? Or is the earth so big that the spin is negligible, more like a sloth sleep walking? Has any human ever witnessed it? How far above earth does one have to go to witness a spin? The degree or rate of spin is not recognized by the human eye. So what does fast mean, if we can’t see the result? Has anyone ever shown it? In real time?

How fast does the earth spin on its axis relative to the environment it spins in and what forces the spin?

The earth spins on its axis at 1,000  miles per hour.

The earth moves around the sun at 67,000 miles per hour.

The key is to find something artificial? unnatural? why? You mean like garbage? Even garbage conforms to the laws of physics. So what’s unnatural or artificial there?

What you don’t already know is what’s unnatural, artificial.

I could not find a simplified answer to what forces the spin, except from my own logic that begins with, “once born (and/or created) all biological and non-biological entities move”.

All births create friction, a lot of births create a lot of friction and some entities lock together to form a bigger entity and others disperse to seek a random existence. A vacuum is required for anything to be birthed or created, thus a vacuum is the beginning of a birth of the creation of movement.”

“What came first the chicken or the egg, the vacuum or the movement? Answer: neither. A medium came first.”

11 >Brownface, blackface photos cause scandal for Trudeau


I’d like to see what black skinned people look like wearing white skin. Just to see if the white person shines through, like the black person shines through when the white color people wear black skin. You know, I think Justin Trudeau, Prime Minster of Canada, looks more handsome with a darker hue, but that’s just an artist’s view. Actually, most white color people look healthier and more vibrant with a tan from the sun or a booth. It’s just the way it is. White color people know it and feel it. The dark hue makes their eyes shine more brightly. “Pale face” lots of people used to call white color people. It’s true, white color people do have pale skin compared to darker color people. It’s a fact. Is Gringo a color? Is cracker a color?

Oh, but wait. Black color people do wear white skin. Often. Everywhere. Sometimes as dress up. Sometimes as casual. But never as a costume pretending for an evening to be somebody else.

Wearing White Or Any Other Color Fur, YOU DISGUSTING ANIMALS, is racist. You’re an animal; they’re an animal, which makes it racist in their God’s book and in my God’s book.

You enslaved, tortured and slaughtered someone. Yes, somebody, to wear on your back, not because you wanted to be them for a night of festivities, but because you wanted to show off how powerful and rich you are, that you could take the skin right off the back of a defenseless animal, while the animal was still alive, subjugating them to your will.

The feigned suffering you have many times voiced, when somebody corked their own face to look like yours pales in comparison to the actual, real suffering you inflict on those you skin alive to wear on your back as a status symbol, should make the entire world throw up at the sight of you.

You didn’t paint spots or strands of white hair on your face, arms and back – you mutilated someone, somebody, alive. Then dumped them to suffer the slow, horrific death of dying without a skin.

  • You stole their skin. Yes, you are skin thieves.

A scandal is when someone cheats on their spouse, or embezzles money or has sex with children, not when someone dresses up like somebody else at a party where that’s what people do.

  • You committed a holocaust against somebody who never harmed you.

Each time you feign suffering because somebody years ago painted their face to look like yours, you commit a fake racist attack. You ooze ugly from every poor of that skin you claim is yours and nobody else’s to wear. Tell that to the animal whose skin, real skin, you stole right off their backs.

But everybody does it, you say? That’s what they said about enslaving blacks many years ago; everybody does it.

You should know better, especially you.

Dumb animal, you say?

Lots of people thought Black Africans were dumb too.

Don’t prove them right at this late stage.

12 >Saving pets: Program lends hand to low-income animal owners

Operating this Pet Saving Program in 27 cities and towns in the USA is a drop in the pet-saving bucket.

How about seniors in residences, many of whom have pets? What resources are available to them for veterinarian care, throughout the nation?

How does one apply for these services? On the website of The Humane Society of America it provides a list of participating cities and towns, but doesn’t provide information links.

Frankly, I was surprised that so few towns and cities participate.

The website doesn’t make it easy for seniors to navigate without links.

Pets for Life Mentorship Programs are currently at work in these communities, but it doesn’t give you a way to contact them.

  • Alaska: Alaska Native Rural Veterinary
  • Atlanta, Georgia: Lifeline Animal Project
  • Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Companion Animal Alliance
  • Blackfeet Nation, Montana: Lewis and Clark Humane Society
  • Bridgeport, Connecticut: Nutmeg Spay/Neuter Clinic
  • Charleston, South Carolina: Charleston Animal Society
  • Charlotte, North Carolina: Humane Society of Charlotte
  • Chicago, Illinois: Friends of Chicago Animal Care and Control
  • Corpus Christi, Texas: People Assisting Animal Control (PAAC)
  • Dallas,Texas: Dallas Companion Animal Project
  • Denver, Colorado: Denver Animal Shelter
  • Detroit, Michigan: All About Animals Rescue
  • Fargo, North Dakota: Minn-Kota PAAWS
  • Gary, Indiana: Humane Society of Calumet Area
  • Hailey, Idaho: Animal Shelter of Wood River Valley
  • Las Vegas, Nevada: The Animal Foundation
  • Madison, Wisconsin: Dane County Humane Society
  • Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Wisconsin Humane Society
  • Nashville, Tennessee: Pet Community Center
  • Saint Louis, Missouri: Carol House Quick Fix Pet Clinic
  • Salt Lake City, Utah: Salt Lake County Animal Services
  • Santa Fe, New Mexico: Santa Fe Animal Shelter and Humane Society
  • Tacoma, Washington: The Humane Society Tacoma and Pierce County
  • Vinita, Oklahoma: Peaceful Animal Adoption Shelter
  • Washington, District of Columbia: Humane Rescue Alliance
  • Worcester, Massachusetts: Second Chance Animal Shelter
  • Yakima, Washington: Yakima Humane Society

* Yes, thank you for what you do where you do it, but we need so much more.

13 >Knockoff pot vapes raise concerns for licensed companies

The vape = the device

The user = vaper

The process = vaping

You know, news outlets really should have been up front about these vaping bootleggers from the beginning, instead of demonizing all vape companies as causing untold deaths and creating hysteria across the world. States and cities are even banning vaping, because of it.

The vapers of nicotine are essentially being forced back to cigarettes, because this so-called national emergency was ill-handled and not fully reported. I wonder who will profit? Oh, the tobacco industry of course.

My question is, if cigarettes cause cancer, even second hand smoke is reported to cause cancer, then why hasn’t anybody banned the sale of cigarettes?

14 >Justice Department files lawsuit against Snowden over memoir

I have to say, members of the Justice Department are acting like ambulance-chasing thieves. How does violating a non-disclosure agreement tally up to all financial proceeds from the sale of a book in damages? It doesn’t. All proceeds? I mean, how much is that? Basically, it’s a blank check. Why should any government department think they deserve to profit from somebody else’s work or life?

How does a Navy Seal who risked his life to help murder Osama bin laden owe the US government 6.6 million dollars, just because he didn’t get the government’s permission to write his account of what happened?

Why should the government become editor of anybody’s intellectual material? They shouldn’t. It sounds way too much like a dictatorship. What constitutes 6.6 million dollars in damages?

It’s hard to reconcile that the USA government restricts law suits in the USA, all the while proliferating and profiting from their own law suits where there are no substantial damages. Who set up that money-making scam?

15 >Amazon tribe in Brazil patrols territory, braces for fight

It’s looking suspicious, that if the Tembe warriors set fire to the loggers’ machinery, as they’ve admitted, in retaliation for the loggers being on their land, that maybe the Tembe warriors also set fire to the forests, as a willful act of destroying that which the loggers came to take: the trees. It’s an act of terrorism, even if to the Tembe warriors it is an act of their survival. In other words, no trees, no loggers.

 It’s an act of terrorism, even if to the Tembe warriors it is an act of their survival.

In other words, no trees, no loggers.

16 >The Latest: Official says at least 22 killed in Kabul attack

Afghans don’t change just because somebody wants them to change.

We invaded them; they did not invade the USA. Osama bin Laden had little to do with Afghanistan, except to train a few people on monkey bars and hide in a dessert nobody cared about with his cell phone. Russia tried to invade them, not because Afghans invaded Russia, but because Russia wanted to expand their territorial reach. The Afghan government didn’t have a clue that Osama bin Laden was going to attack America. How many times did the news broadcast at the order of the USA government change who masterminded the attack against America? Every time they wanted to torture someone for information, that they claimed to already have.

Osama bin laden was born and raised in Saudi Arabia. We didn’t attack Saudi Arabia because of it. Iraq didn’t attack us either, but we attacked them. Who really are the terrorists here? I say all of them, but the one doing the most damage is the USA guided by Israeli interests in the entire region.

We need to get out of Afghanistan and stop killing our own military for Israel. Let them fight that fight. They’re a bunch of cowards who force the USA to fight every battle for them at our loss of human treasure, not Israel’s. Just get out. History has shown us, that every withdrawal from Afghanistan creates an influx in violence. Accept it as inevitable. Don’t let it draw us back in.

They do this purposely to keep the USA in, not out. Why? Because we give them so much financial and every other category of aid that they see the USA as their cash crop of USA dollars. They want our money forever. Jews aren’t the only forever-minded humans on the globe; they’re everywhere in that region.

Get out and stay out. We can’t keep making sacrificial lambs of our sons and daughters because Israel makes enemies of its neighbors. That has to be on them, not us. These forever wars are created to destabilize the world for the sake of Israel only. Wake up.


World leaders lose their tempers when America says ‘America First’. In their minds America is saying that all other countries don’t matter, that they come second or third or way down on the ladder or nowhere on the ladder.

Nobody respects a father or mother who puts outsiders first, rather than their own. Nobody on earth can put outsiders first and still be considered competent and respected heads of their families.

Some say, we can all be one happy world family. Just let us in, or give us your money, or your scientific and technological knowledge, open it all up to us. It’s going to take too long to get what you have and we don’t want to spend all the required time catching up.

So all these decades you all were enjoying the life of leisure swinging in your hammocks, while others, worlds away, were working to make the earth a better place to live – easier for everyone. You wanted your way in your culture in your region in your time and everybody leave us alone you’d shout with your fist to the sky. We don’t even want all that modern stuff. What happened? Now you do. And you’re still wearing loin cloths and sandals and beating your wives and causing wars that keep you all in the cave.

Your superior/supremacist attitude held you back. Your egos, big as cave openings, wouldn’t let you out. You think the more somebody acquires the more supremacist they are. It’s the ones who refused to change in order to move forward who are the real supremacists. They are the ones who think the old way is the only right way, and why can’t we exist with dirt roads and no medicine absent heated and/or air-conditioned living spaces. Your culture, not invention, ingenuity and progress, came first. You clung to it like a baby who clings to a blanket.

You said leave us alone; get out of our spaces. Go back from where you came. Yet here you are losing your tempers because America finally said “America First”. We didn’t put America first for a long time. We shared our knowledge; our people paid with their wages to send people with skills, knowledge and supplies to help you build your nations, but still there were too many who wanted the old life – a life where people die young, where they suffer without knowledge on how best to survive.

You didn’t want to be catapulted into the modern world. The issue was the catapult; it was too sudden. But it didn’t have to be if you had stopped with all that culture supremacy that really means nothing. There’s not much value in anything that comes under the label of culture. It’s a bunch of traditions that hurt more than help – in almost every instance. Everything else comes under the labels of ‘living’ and ‘progressing’ or ‘dying’.

In short, you didn’t want to do the work of it, even when you were shown how and given the tools and the funds. You still found a way to muck it up.

So what have you all done for America, except make continuous demands on America’s people, their resources, knowledge and experience?

There’s a growing trend that wants America to become a welfare state absorbing the poor people of other nations, while financially supporting those nations as well as others.

If America becomes filled with people with low paying jobs, because nobody can speak each other’s language, and everybody gets the same benefits, how will these Americans pay enough taxes to send money and other aid to all the countries it currently subsidizes? Socialism can only sustain it’s own people for a limited amount of time before turning to other states for handouts.

World leaders need to think twice before attacking the American system that helps to feed their own people and keeps them free by providing subsidies off the backs of the American worker.

Yes. In order to keep sharing what we have with the world, we need to keep progressing and to take care of our own first. It is the citizens who pay out of their pay checks in taxes to supplement economies of over two hundred nations worldwide. Regionally, Africa receives 32 percent of all U.S. aid, followed by the Middle East at 31 percent and South and Central Asia at 25 percent. Afghanistan receives the most.

In the meanwhile, all classes of working Americans subsidizing the economies of other nations, so they can survive and thrive, deserve a thank you from all those countries benefiting from their hard work and sacrifice.

So, again, what have you given the hard working American people, except your demands and disrespect? Calling them supremacists. You sure got that one backwards, true to your fixed culture-based nature I’d say.

Think on that.

The next time you walk out of the cave, show some respect for a world built by human beings working together.

Communism is dead – because it worked in theory ONLY, not practice. Large parts of the world practiced it and large parts of the world suffered as a result. Only a tiny elite, ruling minority prospered under their own rule, which in essence made them a dictatorhip by committee.

If you call yourselves a democracy because you have free elections, but everyone in the country prefers the policies and practices of socialism, then you’re basically a monolithic system of governing, which in essence becomes communism if practiced long enough, since everyone in the nation can’t all be rich, but they can all be at the poverty line, which eventually demoralizes the populace, which then requires a military presence in the civilian population to keep the system that no longer works.

The only time systems of mass control work in providing a more equal balance is when in transition. Once the goal is met, nobody likes it, because it’s too confining and restrictive. Paradoxically, it is always the masses who want and seek and rise up to achieve that equal distribution, only to discover that it produced more disadvantages, rather than fewer.

China’s system has never worked. The reason it appeared to thrive at various times throughout history is because the Chinese people were convinced by their leaders that suffering was a necessary part of the plan.

China’s system lays all the decision-making into the hands of a few old men regarding every single detail of China’s population, land, resources, and on and on.

China’s old men are no different than anybody else’s old men. Old men can’t handle that much responsibility. Young men can’t handle that much responsibility. Nobody’s men can.

Suffering, suffering, suffering. You wear it well. What a lie you projected to the world. Suffering brings you peace, wealth, happiness, ingenuity, invention? Then why do you spend so much time stealing America’s inventions? 

Long live China as a democracy. If China becomes a democracy, then China keeps Hong Kong and Taiwan. Everyone is different, but equally worthy to pursue their people’s dreams. 

Not all Chinese are the same. Accept that reality as the beginning of what an ultimate Chinese Democracy will look like. Better than any other democracy.

You know how to do. You dreamed it for centuries.


Blacks and browns being allowed to publicly display their hatred toward all white people via mass media with impunity, via a collective of black and brown supremacists with a collective manifesto, under threats of harm if the white targets won’t turn their color, is the new racism that is quickly becoming a national security risk.

By allowing black and brown supremacists to escalate the public evisceration of anything white as the only acceptable racism, this democratic republic will fall to the hands of the black and brown terrorists among us whose only agenda is to turn this country into Spain and Africa. There is no room for white people in America, unless they denounce their color.

The blacks and browns have taken over the media, one of the first actions an invading force does before they stage a coup.

There is no hate talk toward blacks and browns that the blacks and browns didn’t create themselves by their anti-white rhetoric all over the media 24/7 – for years now. White people can’t talk back in America. People’s lives get ruined for having an opinion. It’s all about getting the white man, the white guy, divide and conquer the white man and white woman.

This state of affairs flourished under Barack Obama when he allowed blacks and browns to burn cities and break the laws with impunity as a means of economic and social revenge. No one can expect white people to forever stand down when they are constantly under attack in all sectors of their lives. White people cannot be expected to continually absorb the hateful attacks by angry mobs of black and brown supremacists.

This is what happens when blacks and browns forever receive preferential treatment in all economic and social categories by the USA government and through the media which the US government controls.

The revenge of black and brown people against the white people who spread democracy around the globe, assisting all peoples of all ethnicities build their nations to become self-sufficient in a modern world is an affront to human rights and human dignity.

That the angry floods of supremacist mobs seek to take over that nation of all nations is an inexcusable and unforgiveable attack against all civilized peoples.

For a past president to blame domestic terrorist attacks on a sitting president, when one is black and the other is white, demoralizes that country and destabilizes that nations security.

Democrats involved in this coup-attempt have lost their moral compass. Revenge always does that. Like the revenge holocaust against the German people by the Jews after the Jews were freed, it always hits and destroys those not deserving of the punishment. Thus revenge always fails to produce positive, forward moving results. Instead, it keeps the cycle in continuous motion.

If you want somebody to feel your pain, then you need to stop holding onto your pain so tightly. Only then will your life improve. That you left your so-called loved ones on their own to fend for themselves against your own people whom you feared, for a cheap ticket away from them, shows your own lack of integrity and loyalty.

Don’t tell white people to love your families as you burn their cities and ruin their families.

Millions of people living in the USA undocumented put politics and money before family, God and country. That is not a civilized group of individuals.


Every time there’s a tragedy in the USA of a massacre magnitude, Israel pops up all over the media, as if to take vicarious credit, always pushing the Israeli agenda.

Look, each time Israel disrupts the Middle East and the rest of the world with ritualistic sacrificial actions toward the Palestinian people who have no defense machinery in place with which to protect themselves from the invasion of the Israelis, the world pops in predictable ways.

Jewish supremacy is in play in Palestine and the entire world feels it.

Even if the world is not cognizant of the slaughter of the Palestinian soul, it knows something’s dying and they think it’s in themselves. Pop. Pop. POPOPOPOPOPOPOPOP…..

Black and brown supremacists in the USA repeatedly declared on public broadcasting outlets that if Israeli [revenge] strategy worked for the Jews it will work for them in America. That alone should give the world sufficient reason for pause.

The black and brown supremacists don’t have an organized movement that can be investigated. They are the movement – every one of them answers to the group. There are no individual opposing views coming out of either camp, black or brown. That’s the proof.

This isn’t going to end easy nor quickly. Put the focus where it belongs. All eyes on Palestine.

Correct what needs to be corrected.

Simmer the Israeli forever-revenge-holocaust machine down.

21 >RESERVATION SYSTEM for Palestinians = Israeli Peace Plan

(Ask the Indian American living on an Indian Reservation in the USA how that plan worked out.)

Israel approves Palestinian construction in West Bank

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel’s Cabinet on Tuesday unanimously approved a proposal to build over 700 housing units for Palestinians in the occupied West Bank in addition to 6,000 Israeli settlement housing units…

  • Israeli Jews Offer to use Palestinians as human shields in the West Bank to Protect Jews

Transportation Minister Bezalel Smotrich, a religious nationalist in Netanyahu’s government, wrote on Facebook that he backed the construction of Palestinian housing in Area C because “it prevents the establishment of a terrorist Arab state in the heart of the land” and asserts Israeli sovereignty over Area C…

So this is the crux of the peace plan Israel is going to offer the Palestinians.

  • Israel introduces the first part of a RESERVATION SYSTEM for the Palestinians living in Palestine.

1-No land beyond the designated reservations. No defense force. No free access to the sea. Everything marked for Palestine gets filtered through Israel first. Nothing changes.

2-Wherever Israeli Jews now live or in the future settle, Palestinians will be given a small number of housing unit permits to build in the centers of these settlements, so that prospective terrorists wanting to kill Israeli Jews, would be killing their own if they attacked. This use of Palestinian families as human shields is considered a deterrent to violence that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government thinks will work to keep Israeli Jews safe.

3-Netanyahu’s model of Palestinian placement is like the Indian Nations in America. Israeli Jews seek to put the existing Palestinians in Palestine on Palestinian reservations.

4-Why don’t we reverse that and put Israelis in Palestine on reservations controlled by Palestinians. Plus: No land beyond the designated reservations. No defense force. No free access to the sea. Everything marked for the Israel gets filtered through Palestine first. Nothing changes.

Hitler cannot take care of Jews =  Israelis cannot take care of Palestinians

Jews cannot be anybody’s keeper. That’s enslavement. Notice the Palestinians aren’t asking to be the keeper of Jews. A keeper is a master. Those whom the master keeps are slaves.

22 >IT’S A TRAP. Israel approves Palestinian construction in West Bank – Don’t Take That Deal

Welcome to the Palestinian Hood is what Benjamin Netanyahu meant when he approved the building of 700 housing units in the West Bank while simultaneously approving permits for 6,000 units for Israeli settlers. Settlers = colonizers aka squatters. So the Russian squatters got 89% and the indigenous Palestinians got 11% of the total number of permits handed out.

To Palestine: Don’t Take that deal. It is a deal clothed in building contracts and loopholes and tricks. When you take that deal, you relinquish control over the West Bank. The West Bank, in its entirety belongs to the Palestinian people, not to the Jews who stole it. Now they come back and say okay, we’ll give you a little bit of what we took, but the Palestinians won’t own the land. They can only build those 700 units on that land and pay rent to Israel. Plus Israel will want the building contracts.

DON’T TAKE IT. Start tearing down those fences and walls. Take your land back. Israelis do not control what you can and cannot build on your land.

No Jew or aggregate of Jews anywhere on the planet can exert sovereignty rights over you and/or your actions.

[Touring new construction in the West Bank settlement of Efrat, south of Jerusalem, Netanyahu said Wednesday that “not a single settlement or a single settler will ever be uprooted.”]

Yes they will. They will be uprooted just as the Jews uprooted the Palestinians by bulldozing their homes and pushing them off their land. The difference here is that the Palestinians grew here long, long ago, so long ago that the land map at the back of every bible I’ve ever seen, designates Palestine as the land of the Palestinian people. It does not designate Israel as the land of the Palestinian people, nor Israel as the land of the Israeli people.

The land of Israel resides in the individual hearts of the Jewish people. They have multiple ethnicities, since they’ve populated, procreated and stayed in every country. They are their own land wherever they live. It’s a human land, not an agricultural aggregate. That’s how God made them. They know it.

Britain had no right to give to the Jews post WWII the land of Palestine. It wasn’t theirs to give. India wasn’t theirs either. Neither was South Africa. Neither was America.

To Britain:  Admit you were wrong to give Palestine it’s independence in 1948 knowing full well the Jews would commit a holocaust against an indigenous people, terrorizing the survivors, forcing them to flee. Tell them you were wrong.

Britain has invaded 90% of all the countries in the world. The list below tells you how many regions they colonized. Palestine was one of them. Britain ruled Palestine from 1920 – 1948.

Britain, out of guilt for not responding quicker to the atrocities in the factory concentration death camps throughout Europe, gave Palestine their independence in 1948, so the Jews could move in and declare Palestine theirs. It was probably the shortest run of independence of any region ever in the world.

In the year 1948 the post WWII Jews who fled to Palestine declared Israel a state on the land of Palestine.

There’s been war in the Middle East ever since. The ethnic cleansing and displacement of the indigenous Palestinians was the cause of the attack on America 0n 9-11 2001. They might as well have flown those planes themselves.

It’s time to end that war by reigning in alI Israelis involved with the atrocities committed against the indigenous Palestinian people and to return the stolen land to the Palestinians.

Name Company Colony Protectorate Dominion Mandate Independence

Aden 1839 1858 (from India) Separate from 1937 Interior from 1873 1967

Afghanistan 1839 – 1842 1878 – 1880

Andaman and Nicobar Islands 1789 – 1814 1858 1947

Anguilla 1663

Antigua 1632 1663 1981

Aruba1799 – 1815

Ascension1815 by Royal Navy. 1922 Civil Administration

Ashmore and Cartier Islands 1878 1938 to Australia

Australia 1901 1942

Bahamas 1648 – 1657, 1670 – 1717 1717 1964 1973

Bahrain 1835 1971

Baker Island 1886 1934 to USA

Baluchistan 1877, 1887 to India 1947

Banda Islands1608, 1616 – 16211796 – 1817 then back to Dutch

Bantam 1603 1682 to Dutch

Barbados 1627 1966

Barbuda 1666 1628 – 1632 1981

Basutoland 1868 1884 1966

Batavia 1621 – 1628 1811 – 1816

Bay Islands 1638 – 1650 1742 – 1782, 1820 – 1860 1860 to Honduras

Bechuanaland 1885 1966

Benkulen 1685 1825 to Dutch

Bengal 1681 1858 1947

Berbice 1665 1781 – 1782, 1796 – 1802, 1803 – 1814, 1831 to British Guiana 1966

Bermuda 1609, 1614 1684

Bhutan 1911 1947

Bombay 1661 1858 1947

Bonaire 1807 – 1815 then back to Dutch

Bonin Islands 1827 1875 to Japan

British Cameroons 1914 1920 1961

British Columbia 1849 1846 1871

Name Company Colony Protectorate Dominion Mandate Independence

British Guiana Conquered in 1796. 1815 became 3 colonies – unified in 1831 1966

British Honduras 1636 1786 1981

British Indian Ocean Territory 1784

British Kaffraria1847 joined Cape Colony in 1866

British New Guinea (Papua Territory) 1883 1886, 1906 to Australia 1884 1975

British Somaliland 1905 1884 1960

British Togoland 1914 1920 1956 to Gold Coast

British Virgin Islands 1666 1786

Brunei 1888 1984

Burma 1824 expanded in 1852 and 1885. Ruled from India until 1937 1948

Bushire 1763 1854 1971

Canada 1867 1931, 1982

Lower Canada 1763 Quebec colony divided in 1791 renamed Canada East in 1840 1867

Upper Canada 1763 Quebec colony divided in 1791 renamed Canada West in 1840 1867

Name Company Colony Protectorate Dominion Mandate Independence

Canton and Enderbury Islands 1889 1936 – 1979 jointly with US 1979

Cape Breton Island 1758 to Nova Scotia in 1820 1867

Cape Colony 1795, 1806 1872, 1910 to South Africa

Cayman Islands 1670 from Jamaica until 1959

Ceylon 1796 expanded in 1802 and 1815 1948

Christmas Island 1888 1945 1958 to Australia

Christmas Island (Pacific) 1888 1979

Cocos Islands 1826 1857 1984 to Australia

Connecticut 1633 1662 1783

Cook Islands 1888 1965

Coorg 1834 1858 1947

Cuba 1762 – 1763

Curacao 1807 – 1815

Cyprus 1914 1878 1960

Cyrenaica 1941 – 1951

Darien, Panama1698 – 1700

Delaware 1664 1704 1783

Demerara-Essequibo 1665 1781 – 1782, 1796 – 1802, 1803 – 1814, 1831 to British Guiana 1966

Dominica 1763 1978

Dutch East Indies1811 – 1816

Dutch India 1780 – 1784, 1795 – 1818, 1825 1858 1947

Egypt 1882 1914 1922 1954

Eire/Ireland/Irish Free State 1801 (part of UK proper) 1922 1935, 1948

Name Company Colony Protectorate Dominion Mandate Independence

Elizabeth Island 1578

Ellice Islands 1916 1892 1978

Eritrea 1941 1952

Falkland Islands 1841 1833

Fernando Po 1827 1855 to Spain

Fiji 1835 1874 1970

Florida 1763 1783 – to Spain

French India 1760 – 1765, 1778-1783, 1793-1816

French Somaliland 1942 – 1946

Gambia 1661 1821 from Sierra Leone, 1888 by itself 1894 inland territory added 1965

Georgia 1732 1755 1783

Gibraltar1704, confirmed in 1713

Gilbert Islands 1916 1892 1979

Goa1797 – 1813

Gold Coast 1631 1821 from Sierra Leone, 1874 by itself. 1830 Protectorate extended inland 1957

Goree 1663 – 1664, 1758 – 1763, 1779 – 1783, 1800 – 1817

Grenada 1763 1974

Griqualand West 1873 – 1880 to Cape Colony 1871

Guadeloupe 1759-1763, 1794, 1810-1816

Hawaii 1843 1794 1893

Heligoland 1807 1890 to Germany

Hirado 1613 – 1623

Hong Kong 1842 territory added in 1860 and 1898 1997 to China

Howland Island 1886 – 1935

Name Company Colony Protectorate Dominion Mandate Independence

India Incrementally from 1609 1858 1947 to 1950 1947 de facto

Ionian Islands 1809 1864 to Greece

Iraq 1941 to 1945 1920 1932

Italian Somaliland 1941 – 1950

Jamaica 1655 1962

Jarvis Island 1889 – 1935

Kamaran Island 1915 1967

Kenya 1888 1920 1895, 1904 1963

Kuria Muria Islands 1854, 1886 to Aden 1967 to Oman

Kuwait 1899 1961

Labuan 1890 to North Borneo Company1846, 1904, 1907 to Straits Settlement

Lagos 1861 1906 1960

Leeward Islands 1671 1960

Lord Howe Island 1788 1855 to New South Wales

Madeira 1801 – 1814

Madras 1640 1858 1947

Maine 1622 1691 to Massachusetts 1783

Malacca 1824 1795 to 1816, 1826

Malaya 1874, 1896 1957

Maldive Islands 1887 1965

Malta 1800, confirmed in 1814 1919 1964

Martinique 1762-1763, 1793-1801, 1809-1814

Maryland 1632 1783

Name Company Colony Protectorate Dominion Mandate Independence

Massachusetts 1620 1691 1783

Mauritius 1810 confirmed in 1814 1968

Minorca 1708 – 1756, 1763 – 1782, 1798 – 1803 1803 to Spain

Moluccas 1796-1802, 1810-1816

Montserrat 1632 1663

Mosquito Coast 1655 1860

Natal 1843 1893, 1910 to South Africa

Nauru 1914 1919 1968

Nepal 1816 1947

Nevis 1628 1663, 1882 joined with St. Christopher 1983

New Brunswick 1784 1854, 1867

New Caledonia, (Darien), Panama 1698 – 1700

Newfoundland 1497, 1583 1713, 1934 1855, 1949 to Canada

New Hampshire 1623 1679 1783

New Hebrides 1906 1887 1980

Name Company Colony Protectorate Dominion Mandate Independence

New Jersey 1664 1738 1783

New York 1664 1783

New South Wales 1770 1855, 1901 to Australia

New Zealand 1769, 1792, 1840 1907 1947

Nigeria 1914 1954 1960

Niue 1901 to New Zealand 1900 1974

Norfolk Island 1788 – 1814 from New South Wales, 1825 – 1855 from Van Diemen’s Land, 1897 – 1913 from New South Wales1856 – 1897 1914 – Australian Territory

North Borneo 1775 1946 1881, 1888 1963 to Malaysia

North Carolina 1663 1729 1783

North West Frontier Province 1849 1901 1947

North West Territories 1670 1869 1870 to Canada

Northern Nigeria 1885 1914 to Nigeria1899

Northern Rhodesia 1891 1924 1964

Nova Scotia 1621 to 1632, 1713 1846, 1867 to Canada

Nyasaland 1875 1907 1889 1964

Ocean Island 1900 1901 1979

Oman (Muscat and Oman) 1646 1800 1970

Orange River Colony (Orange Free State) 1848 to 1854, 1900 1907, 1910 to South Africa

Palestine 1920 1948

Name Company Colony Protectorate Dominion Mandate Independence

Palmyra Atoll 1889 1898 to USA

Penang 1786 1826 1957

Pennsylvania 1681 1783

Perim Island 1857 to Aden 1967 to Yemen

Philippines 1762 – 1764

Pitcairn Island 1838

Popham Colony 1607 to 1608

Prince Edward Island 1745 – 1748, 1758 1851, 1873 to Canada

Prince Edward Islands 1908 1776 1947 to South Africa

Providence Island 1629 – 1642

Pulo Condor Island 1702 – 1705

Punjab 1849 1858 1937 1947

Qatar 1916 1971

Quebec 1629 – 1632 1759 1841

Queensland 1824 1859 1901

Roanoke 1585 – 1590?

Redonda 1872 to Antigua 1981

Reunion 1810 – 1815, 1942 – 1945

Rhode Island 1636 1663 1783

Rodriguez 1809, 1814 to Mauritius 1968

Rupert’s Land and North West Territories 1670, 1774 1870 to Canada

Saint Barthelemy 1758, 1779, 1781

Saint Croix and Saint Thomas 1587 1625 – 1650, 1801 – 1802, 1807 – 1815

St Christopher 1623 1663 1983

Saint Domingue, Haiti 1793 – 1798

Saint Eustatius 1625 1665 – 1668, 1672 – 1682, 1690 – 1696, 1781, 1801 – 1802, 1810 – 1816

St Helena 1651 1834

St Lucia 1778 to 1783, 1796, 1803 confirmed in 1814 1979

Name Company Colony Protectorate Dominion Mandate Independence

Saint Martin1690 – 16991781, 1801 – 1802, 1810 – 1816

Saint Pierre and Miquelon1713 – 1763, 1778 – 1783, 1793 – 1816

St Vincent 1762 to 1779, 1783 1979

Saba1665, 1672 – 1679, 1781 1801 – 1803, 1810 – 1816

Samoa 1914 1889, terminated in 1899 New Zealand Mandate from 1920 1962

Sarawak 1841 1946 1888 1963

Senegal 1693 1758 – 1779, 1809 – 1817

Seychelles 1794, 1811 from Mauritius, 1888 by itself 1976

Sierra Leone 1787 1807 1896 inland protectorates 1961

Sikkim 1890, 1918 1947

Sind 1843 1858 1947

Singapore 1819 1826 1957, 1965

Socotra 1834 – 1835 1886 1967 to Aden

Somalia 1941 – 1950

Solomon Islands 1893 1978

South Africa 1910 1934

South Australia 1834 1855, 1901 to Australia

South Carolina 1663 1729 1783

South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands 1775, 1843, 1908

South West Africa 1919 to South Africa 1960

Southern Nigeria 1884 1900, 1914 to Nigeria

Southern Rhodesia 1890 1888 1923 (1965 – 1979 UDI) 1980

Straits Settlements 1826 1867 1858 1963

Name Company Colony Protectorate Dominion Mandate Independence

Sudan 1898 1956

Suez Canal Zone 1881 1922 1956

Surat 1612, 1703 to Bombay 1858 1947

Surinam 1651 1799 – 1802, 1804 – 1816 1667 to Dutch

Swaziland 1893, 1902 1968

Tanganyika 1919 1961

Tangier 1661 1684

Tasmania 1803 1825 1856, 1901 to Australia

Tobago 1762 to 1781, 1793 confirmed in 1814, joined with Trinidad 1888 1962

Tokelau 1898 1889 1976

Tonga 1879, 1900 1970

Tranquebar (Danish India) 1845 1801 – 1815, 1858 1947

Transjordan 1920 1946

Transvaal 1877 to 1881, 1900 1906, 1910 to South Africa 1961

Trinidad and Tobago 1797 confirmed in 1814, joined with Tobago 1888 1962

Tripolitania 1941 – 1950

Tristan da Cunha 1816, 1938 from St Helena

Trucial Oman 1835 1887 1971

Turks and Caicos Islands 1678 1766 1973

Uganda 1888 1905 1894 1962

Vancouver Island 1843 1849 1866 to British Columbia

Virginia 1607 1624 1783

Victoria 1851 1855, 1901 to Australia

Walvis Bay 1878, 1884 1922 to South Africa

Weihaiwei 1898 1930 to China

Western Australia 1829 1826 1890, 1901 to Australia

Willoughby 1651 – 1667 1799 – 1802, 1804 – 1816

Windward Islands 1871 – 1960

Zanzibar 1890 1963


Oh my God, what kind of people are the British – to think they can own and control the entire planet and all its people?

Yeah, maybe I should give Britain to the Palestinians. How would you like that? It can be arranged.

Tear down the walls, reclaim your land. Move the settlers/squatters OUT – tenderly.

23 >Another Win For Trump – he really doesn’t have a racist bone in his body

I believe that. 

Nancy Pelosi knows Trump is going to win in 2020, so all her efforts are directed now at destroying him rather than forming a viable plan for the future. No matter the plan, she’s knows he’ll still win, which puts her on a search and destroy course of action.

She’s not worried that she’s doing nothing for the country, because she knows he is, so let him keep doing it, while she sets out using cunning and morally corrupt strategies to take him out.

She plans on staying. She can handle the four minority congresswomen – girls. She’ll come to their defense even when it’s a lie, so they’ll back off and let her at him her way. 

Yes, they’re little girls in women’s jobs who don’t know how to behave in public and who don’t know how to represent all the people. All they want is for all the people all the time to support their race, religion or gender. They are not for all. If so they would be for white people and they clearly are not. They use white people as their slaves and whores to work or fight for their rights and nobody else’s

There are more poor white people in the USA than all other groups combined. They’re not organized. If they were they’d be called white supremacists – another hate name lobbed at whites who want to preserve their race and who have white pride or who simply are more comfortable among their own. All groups are more comfortable among their own and generally prefer to procreate among their own. There is no crime there.

Forcing people to procreate with other demographics is enslavement. Leave people alone to be with whom they want, instead of doing what some social engineers say is good for all when it isn’t. Stay out of my love, like and hate life.

Hate is a natural human emotion. To legislate emotions is slavery. To pass a law telling people who or what they can love, like or hate is total enslavement of the human mind.

Nancy Pelosi way overstepped her boundaries as a liberal politician and can’t find her way back. She is Stuck in Mussolini Mode. She needs to clean up her own talk and walk before calling somebody out in public to humiliate them – another dictatorial move. She’s trying to colonize the world by having the world come to her. Mussolini tried to expand the Roman Empire by going to the Middle East: Libya, Somalia, Ethiopia, and Albania to name a few of his conquests.

Humans who can’t hate or love are considered mentally ill, which means Nancy Pelosi and her cohorts want to legislate mental illness by humiliating in the public square anyone who expresses their right to love, like or hate anything or anyone they want. It’s a universal expression of pleasure or displeasure on a continuum.

Gays often say you can’t tell someone whom to love. That is correct. I say You can’t tell someone whom or what to hate. People hate for valid reasons, usually when under threats of the perpetrator’s making. So back off legislating emotions. It is not appropriate to dictate to anyone how they should feel. It’s not your place. I’ve seen more hate come out of the democratic party than I’ve witnessed during my seventy years on earth and in a very short time. 

Breaking News: Massive amounts of hate directed at white people across the USA and the world – all because a white man said America comes first to Americans. Yes, we take care of our own citizens first. Maybe the rest of the world needs to do the same and stop asking that crazy uncle sam you all love to hate to open his pockets for you. How dare you disrespect our nation, our people that way.

Hey globally, white people are the minority. China, Japan and all the Asians, India-Pakistan, Africa, Middle East, South America, Central America, the United States of Mexico, all the island communities and territories fall under the category of dark skinned people. They got the huge numbers. Europe is all that’s left and that’s quickly changing color. Soon white people will be an endangered color. It’s a scientific fact; stop denying it and calling it racist.

Right now South America is in a mess – always has been. Middle East is a mess and always has been. Africa also a mess. India a mess. Asia a mess.  Pakistan helpless. They all want to self-govern and keep the white face out, after the whites build their nations for them. And then when the white face leaves, they all make a mess of it. Too many pull out and migrate to other places to repeat the same story, usually to where the white faces live. But their goal is always the same – turn the new place into the old place and keep the cycle of corruption in play.

There’s a color war in the USA government, thus not a fully functioning government body. It hardly functions at all. That’s what happens when dark colors seek self-rule to the exclusion of everybody else. ‘Join Us’ they all say. But when you do, you’re left behind when the color wheel spins and you notice the color white isn’t on it.

Trump is the only one working for the American people – for all the American people – regardless of color or gender, or religion or status of handicap.

Every dark color group wants Trump to be their private dictator, and if they sense that some other color is getting his attention they go berserk in public communicating through violent, obscene, disturbing gestures and shouts of destruction their demands, like terrorists, like strange creatures mysteriously surfacing out of imaginary lagoons in the middle of every street in America. Then it spreads like a contagion throughout the planet via the media. 

Humans imitate each other. It’s their nature to do that. It doesn’t matter the race, religion, culture or gender or anything else. Imitation is the one common denominator we as humans all share. We copy one another’s behavior patterns. I don’t need science to tell me that. I observe it.

So the American people suffer a little under Pelosi’s tyranny, but so what, Trump’s doing a darn good job. She just wants to be boss at any cost. She’s not boss with Trump. She’s boss with a democratically elected president. Trump outplays, outshines, outworks her.

White people are people of color too. White is a color. Nancy Pelosi on a regular basis slams white people; Barack Obama did the same thing. The little girls she keeps protecting from the big bad white guy slams white people. Those girls put white people on the table for the world to humiliate, kill then eat. 

Not unlike the bullfighting they all support as a necessary tourist attraction for the brown people in Basque and the dog fights for the black people,  and the cock fights for the Asians, forcing white people to fight for them has become the world’s favorite blood sport.

Yet, there is no hate speech law that protects white people – only black, brown, yellow, red – every skin hue except white. Therein lies their glaring prejudice and racism.

No, Donald Trump is not a racist. Nancy Pelosi and her gang of bullfighter girls are the racists. Trash-talking white people, holding white people hostage to their flimsy social plans to transform America into their countries of origin, making poor white people go to the back of the line and pay for other people’s crimes through preferentially based social programs are all racist moves.

All because they couldn’t find the courage to stand up to the dictators in their own countries of origin. Instead, they came to America to stand up to the white people they loved to hate and the public officials whom the citizens of the USA legally elected. They’re too accustomed to coups to work methodically to achieve good things for all citizens. They want it now, and they want it for themselves, so they put all their individual and collective energies into unseating whom they hate and replacing the seat with someone they control.

Donald Trump really doesn’t have a racist bone in his body. His opponents who all want his money are racist against all white people.

Don’t ever tell someone whom you hate that they can’t hate you back or you’ll destroy their lives.

Hating someone isn’t the same as racism. Hating someone is not a crime. Loving someone is not a crime. Liking someone is not a crime. Being angry is not a crime. Crying is not a crime. Being happy is not a crime. Fearing someone is not a crime. Who is trying to take all your defenses away from you? Who is trying to make you into emotionless human robots?

Wake up and get up. What’s wrong with you? Ah, those strange creatures from the imaginary lagoons are scaring you again?

Scare them back. Scare the hell out of ’em. They’re going to kill you anyway.

NSA is on my radar screen. If you have something to say, they’ll read it. Feel free, but be cautious.

24 >South African aiming to be 1st black African in space dies

Mandla Maseko wins a trip to outerspace and then the space flight didn’t take place? How is that?

Oh, he won an “opportunity” for a space trip, along with a bunch of other people? Or did he really win the trip, but for fiscal reasons the trip was cancelled?

The article goes on to say he kept trying. Kept trying at what, winning another “opportunity” for a space trip?

It doesn’t matter now, does it? He won the fast track ultimate view of the universe through spirit eyes. I wonder what that view looks like? Awesome I imagine.

25 >Common cold virus could cure cancer, pioneering trial suggests 

Wow. So there was a reason why we couldn’t cure the common cold for all these decades trying. Or maybe we didn’t try that hard, thinking colds weren’t all that serious and they generated a lot of income for the cold remedy industry.

Come to find out, it was a good idea, because it just might become a universal agent to cure cancer. Wow again. What a find! No more harsh chemo therapy, just cough and sneeze your way to a cure.

Yeah, I’ve been coughing and sneezing a lot, maybe I’ve got some cancer cells in me screaming to be eradicated. That’s probably not how it works. I hope they put this into practice soon. It’s too long between discovery and marketability. Speed up the process. It’s a cold virus. How bad could it be?

Breast cancer tumors? Inject it right into the tumor? Forget the cancers that are hard to treat, treat them all with the virus. Oh right, we can’t put all those chemo people and radiation people and surgeons out of business? Give them some other jobs to do.

I’m wondering about the price tag on the treatment. How much could it cost? Something so common and readily available? They’ll find a way to take your life savings; they always do.

26 >Latest sex accusation against Trump lands with a thud

Actually, this woman who claims she has had a lifetime of encounters with predatory men, seems more like the offender looking for men who will have a quick encounter.

How do you rape somebody with tights on without being able to squirm away, especially in a high-end department store? Two decades later and she says she’s a mature woman and can handle it. Just how did she handle it?

I can’t imagine having a lifetime of predator men raping me and doing nothing about it.

How is it that this woman is credible? Are we to believe everybody who comes forward two or three decades later with a grab and run or a rape story? I agree that too few people come forward, but how about now. Why aren’t more women coming forward with what happened last night? Why aren’t they in the news for the world to rally behind?

Larry Sabato from the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics is quoted as saying that Trump is simply exempt from the rules everybody else has to obey. Sabato fails to mention past presidents who had ‘playboy’ reputations while actually in the White House: John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson just to name two. These behaviors decades ago were pretty much expected of powerful men. And who is ‘everybody else’ that Sabato refers to that have to obey the rules? Italian men? Arab men? Spanish men? Russian men. Jewish men? And what are the rules he speaks of?

Locker room talk. What actually is that? Men bragging about their sexual exploits that never really happened? How common is that? How common two and three decades ago was that? These writers went to the trouble of reaching out to a so-called expert, yet failed to ask all the right questions? It seems like this article was purposely slanted against one man. Who were all the other predatory men that magically came into this accusers life throughout her entire life? Any names to those men?

She waited too long. She acts like twenty years ago we were in the 1920s. The sexual revolution had already occurred in the 60s and 70s. Women were out of the sexual repression closet and free love reigned. “Make love not war”.

Some women want encounters with sexually-free individuals. They’re not all predators (male or female). Twenty years later maybe she feels ashamed. Can money cure shame? To mention the alleged rape it in a book she’s selling reeks of opportunism. Maybe it is. Maybe it isn’t. Still, she used it to advance her status, which is exactly what men do. They use women to advance their status. So welcome to the female oppressor club. Is this what women really want, to be like men? Then they are no better, justified or not.

She should have got her revenge, if she was revenge-worthy, twenty years ago. Too shy to kick a guy in the balls in a high-end department store dressing room? Not if she had encounters with predatory men her entire life.

There were lots of people around. She wouldn’t have been harmed if she screamed.

Hey, if she’s going to try to convince the world of an alleged rape that happened decades ago, then the world has the right to question what she did back then to prevent it.

People like E. Jean Carroll make it difficult for current-day victims to come forward. The press only focuses on those alleged assaults that happened decades ago and that can’t be proven one way or the other. Is that fair to anyone? Is it fair to alleged victims? It makes it look like the press is talking about rape, but they really aren’t talking. They’re telling stories about potential assaults that may or may not have happened.

That hurts the women assaulted last night. By exploiting the past for personal gain, the past repeats itself.

Focus on the NOW in order to change the future for all victims of violent crime.

[Sen. Mazie Hirnono, a Hawaii Democrat, called it a sad day when a rape accusation against the president leaves the country numb.

“With this president you have the Iran situation going on, you have North Korea going on, you have the border crisis going on,” she said.]

Note: So I’m wondering why a decades old sexual assault claim against a current president that gets revealed in a new book by the alleged accuser should take precedent over the Iran, North Korea and Border crises in this country?

This is what I’m talking about. E. Jean Carroll waits twenty years, reveals it in a book and at least one women senator is sad that national security issues were taking away from the press coverage of Carroll’s book of revelations.

WHOA. Women have become predators. She waited twenty years, do you think she could wait a while longer while the country focuses on pressing security issues of the day?

The name of the book is WHAT DO WE NEED MEN FOR? I believe E. Jean Carroll made that abundantly clear: to exploit them.

27 >Watchdog: Abuse and neglect in nursing facilities unreported

In any situation that lends itself to abuse, the actual cases are way under-reported. It’s the nature of the abuse beast. Nursing home facilities need more oversight. Not enough is being done. The owners are getting rich, while the patients suffer from lack of care. Members of the family practically have to be there everyday checking and participating in their loved ones care, and still it can happen.

Congress sits on their hands, while disrespecting the elderly. After all, they can’t vote if they’re in a nursing home, so they pass the problem onto somebody else. They care more about abortions than senior health care.

Patients and their families are often afraid to report abuse or neglect because of the retaliation factor which is real, so they remain silent and put up with it. One might wonder why? Who would hurt an old person? Helpless, frail, scared – all the qualities a bully person looks for in their prey.

Low paid workers, angry about their life, it’s just a job like any other job. Patience runs low in many work environments and nursing homes are one of them. It’s like working with the developmentally challenged. It’s a frustrating job that requires a lot of patience.

Families expect first class care, but workers get paid low class wages, and sometimes come into a job with little training. Add to that the absence of on-going inservice programs plus the work load which in itself is overwhelming and abuse is going to happen.

Basically when you enter a nursing home all your civil rights fly out the door. Patients are at the complete mercy of complete strangers, who may not like them because of their last name or race or gender and on and on.

The fact that the patients who have the most actively engaged families receive the better care tells you that those who don’t have actively engaged families don’t get the same quality care. That needs to change which means more oversight is needed. Across the board.

I am concerned about the racial climate in the USA, that the government allowed to flourish on the backs of old white people. Maybe they forgot that nursing homes have a large African work base and Spanish base too.

So yeah, close the door and nobody knows what’s happening – only that blacks and browns made it clear all over the news again and again and again… to target old white people. Blacks and browns are in the same camp now – what one does and says the other follows suit.

You can’t then tell them you didn’t mean it. Everybody interprets differently what “target old white people” means. So, our own government that controls the news is partly responsible for what goes on behind locked doors in nursing homes all over the country. Americans don’t have a good track history of caring for and respecting the elderly.

Seniors are the most marginalized group in this nation – the elderly in every single category and/or demographic – yet their country overlooks them. Frankly all I hear is complaining about how much senior care costs. Yet, nobody tries to get them to eat better, exercise more, socialize more, work at something, anything.

Seniors don’t have a leader. ARRP is a joke. All they do is take people’s money, spend a bundle on advertising and magazines that are more out of the 1940’s than now, and get rich bilking old people. ARRP has never done anything for me.

When politicians come to the building to drum up votes, and this isn’t a nursing home, it’s a senior residence, they bribe them for votes with all the foods the media keeps telling them they shouldn’t eat. Healthcare businesses do the same thing, bribe them with ice-cream, donuts, pizza with animals on it. Why can’t we get healthy options in vending machines? Because the people who fill them are afraid to tell their bosses what the customers want, because they’re here illegally.

OLD PEOPLE DON’T MATTER. That’s the message across the board, throughout the nation, in every single category of humans. It’s time to make them matter, don’t you think?

28 >White House asserts executive privilege in census fight

Personally, I think it’s ludicrous to take a census and not be able to determine how many people living in the USA are not citizens or how many are on work visas or any other type of visa.

It’s shocking that the democrats talk about wanting to preserve the integrity of the census by essentially allowing people to lie, by not putting the citizen question on the census form. People who are not in the USA legally won’t participate whether the question is asked or not. However, if a household claims only two people on the census, then when applying for benefits, that number jumps to six, then that’s a red flag that needs to be addressed.

Why is it that nobody can lie to any government agency under threats of penalty, except those living here illegally? They are the only ones allowed to remain silent about their status.

Transparency is what this country needs, not hiding those living here illegally by not asking the appropriate and necessary questions about their citizenship status. It’s time the USA got a grip on the millions of people living here illegally, while collecting benefits under the guise of being legal.

It doesn’t matter what the census was originally designed to do. Guess what? The world changed, and now the census-taking has to change with it. The issue now is making sure every individual living in the USA is accounted for.

29 >Kim Jong-un vs DeWayne Craddock

So let’s just throw it out there and see if anybody shoots it down. That’s the going strategy in news organizations since the democrats lost the presidential race to the republicans. Where’s the integrity? Where’s the honor among journalists? Where’s their code of ethics of accuracy and non-biased reporting?

News outlets across the land lost whatever control they had over their impulses to make the news rather than break the news, when all hell broke loose over an election designed to win that lost. Life as they knew it disappeared from the landscape as they rummaged their way through the ruins of lost gains in a never never forever land of disbelief. A mortal lock, turned into a fallacy of fools.

Where’s the rock? Where’s the foundation? Where’s the intestinal fortitude to stick to your principles? It’s looking like you never had any that weren’t at the same time corruptible. Easily corruptible. On a whim?

Check and double check your sources. Why are you all so willing to embrace the worst of humanity. Why can’t you get along – with anyone – except those who think and act exactly as you think and act? From what model of decency do you operate?

‘That’s business’ you retort. Everything is fair in love, war and business?

Your business is not to spin the truth by accusing somebody of murder. That is not your business. And what friendly-to-America source made up that story that you so willingly jumped on? That’s a strategy most often used by Jews. Accuse and make them deny to find out the truth that they never believe anyway. It gets attention directed to where they want the world to focus – usually while they’re conducting a shameful operation elsewhere.

Did anybody else turn up dead halfway across the world? Oh yeah, a black man who overnight became colorless committed a terror attack in Virginia Beach 31 May 2019. I almost missed it, there was so much news about a murder that didn’t happen halfway across the world.

Disgruntled employees with good jobs don’t plot and execute a massacre out of the blue. These days a massacre is a massacre unless it’s a black man doing it. Maybe he wasn’t black. The press hid his color for a long time – at least on the internet. You can be sure if it was a white man, the whole world would know it.

Since when is ‘murder’ called ‘purging’? Oh DeWayne Craddock just ‘purged’ a bunch of people over in Virginia Beach. It’s not up to the press to sanitize acts of violence, or to treat one group differently than another group.

When a Jew commits an act of terror, he/she is deranged.

When a black African does it, he/she is disgruntled.

When a Muslim does it, that’s the real deal terrorist.

I know I can’t be the only one seeing this biased reporting of the news depending on demographic affiliation.


30 >RE: File says Smollett couldn’t contact brothers after arrest

In this instance, where there was so much media attention, and people hurt, by someone alleged to have made false accusations regarding a hate crime, the public deserves to know the truth of the legal process that exonerated the accused.

Falsely reporting hate crimes – especially when premeditated and reeking with startling prejudicial symbolism – needs to have the light of everybody’s eyes shined on it. Otherwise, future victims will not come forward and/or will not be believed.

When a black judge dismisses a black person’s case then seals the process that led to her decision so the public can’t see it, that case should be scrutinized in the same way as when the judge is white and the accused is white.

Bias is bias, no matter the color or gender. We must make every effort to eliminate it in the court system, otherwise our democracy will fail and our efforts to spread our system around the world will have no credibility.

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