Life Is The Soul

The soul leaves the body upon death. That’s how one knows that the soul is connected to the body. No body, no soul. No life, no soul. Pope Francis via the Vatican announced to the Catholic brethren a while ago that cremations should be discouraged when making final burial arrangements, since in his view theContinueContinue reading “Life Is The Soul”

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RE: An ‘unusual’ radio wave sent from the middle of the Milky Way has experts confused

HWH Comment: Looks like we’re not alone in our galaxy after all. Well, you can’t say we’re not alone unless it’s verified, and so continues the mystery. Common sense, however, would not imply the HOME ALONE HYPOTHESIS. It is more than likely we are not alone rather than alone, just by the mere size ofContinueContinue reading “RE: An ‘unusual’ radio wave sent from the middle of the Milky Way has experts confused”

Alien life could thrive on big ‘Hycean’ exoplanets | Live Science

Alien life could thrive on big ‘Hycean’ exoplanets By Mike Wall about 22 hours ago Hycean planets are up to 2.5 times bigger than Earth, with oceans and hydrogen-rich atmospheres.  (Image credit: Amanda Smith, Nikku Madhusudhan ) The search for alien life should broaden its horizons a bit, a new study suggests Alien hunters have to date focusedContinueContinue reading “Alien life could thrive on big ‘Hycean’ exoplanets | Live Science”

Human Animal Instinct At Risk Of Becoming Extinct

Human Animal Instinct At Risk Of Becoming Extinct I WONDER if viruses are trying to wipe out human instinct. Billions of animals around the planet die purposely by the hands of the human animal. The human animal could be subconsciously signaling that they feel threatened by non-threatening animals in a world with abundant plants toContinueContinue reading “Human Animal Instinct At Risk Of Becoming Extinct”

A Modest Proposal: Let’s Change Earth’s Orbit – Scientific American

During a congressional hearing last week, Republican Representative Louie Gohmert of Texas asked a U.S. Forest Service official if her organization or the Bureau of Land Management could change the orbit of the moon or Earth to reverse the effects of human-caused climate change. That seems like a perfectly reasonable idea, doesn’t it? Let’s doContinueContinue reading “A Modest Proposal: Let’s Change Earth’s Orbit – Scientific American”

Maybe the Aliens Really Are Here – Scientific American

SETI, as a modern astronomical endeavor, dating to 1959 (first paper) and 1960 (first observation). Modern UFO sightings date to the late 1940s. Though superficially similar, the two fields in practice have had virtually nothing to do with one another. SETI usually requires a graduate degree in astronomy, and its scientists tend to disdain UFOersContinueContinue reading “Maybe the Aliens Really Are Here – Scientific American”

We Are the Aliens – Scientific American

We Are the Aliens On a geological timescale, the emergence of the human “dataome” is like a sudden invasion by extraterrestrials, or an asteroid impact that precipitates a mass extinction By Caleb A. Scharf on May 13, 2021 We Are the Aliens Credit: Caleb Scharf Something very old, very powerful and very special has beenContinueContinue reading “We Are the Aliens – Scientific American”

Astronomers Find Circular Rings Unusual In The Sky

HWH Commentary: As “Circular Rings” they describe them to the world. How redundant is that? You’re supposed to be the ultimate IN science of the universe people and you say in a title – circular rings? A ring is circular. Mysterious? The universe is made of arcs. Arcs are circular. What’s so mysterious about that?ContinueContinue reading “Astronomers Find Circular Rings Unusual In The Sky”

There Used to Be Aliens in Our Galaxy, but They Killed Themselves Off

HWH: The article states: “We’ve never observed an extraterrestrial living thing, or uncovered any evidence for extinct ones.” ARTICLE: There Used to Be Aliens in Our Galaxy, but They Killed Themselves Off Caroline Delbert Thu, December 24, 2020, 8:30 AM EST   From Popular Mechanics A new mathematical model suggests that any alien life in ourContinueContinue reading “There Used to Be Aliens in Our Galaxy, but They Killed Themselves Off”

Advanced Alien Civilizations May Produce ‘Technosignatures’ That We Could Find, Experts Say | Live Science

HWH COMMENTARY: Who says an alien civilization needs to be advanced to exist? Because it’s so far away? Or because we’re so far from it, that we’re the advanced ones? In which direction along the time frame before it starts bending are you referencing? Or are we basing that assumption on biological constraints? Who saysContinueContinue reading “Advanced Alien Civilizations May Produce ‘Technosignatures’ That We Could Find, Experts Say | Live Science”

UFO Enthusiasts Pour Into Nevada To Raid AREA 51

Transcript:Hinnox P1.37K subscribers UFO enthusiasts pour into Nevada to raid Area 51, 3 arrested so far, UFO enthusiasts drawn by alien-themed festivities continued to pour into rural Nevada on Friday near the Area 51 US military base, but fears of a mass raid on the remote site or a public safety crisis proved unfounded, withContinueContinue reading “UFO Enthusiasts Pour Into Nevada To Raid AREA 51”

South African aiming to be 1st black African in space dies

HWH Comment: Mandla Maseko wins a trip to outerspace and then the space flight didn’t take place? How is that? Oh, he won an “opportunity” for a space trip, along with a bunch of other people? Or did he really win the trip, but for fiscal reasons the trip was cancelled? The article goes on toContinueContinue reading “South African aiming to be 1st black African in space dies”

Scientists to investigate if cigar-shaped asteroid could be an alien spacecraft

HWH COMMENT > Looks like a flat elliptical rock to me – driftwood. Maybe from Mars!! Without the ears?! Incognito. Yup. That little bugger finally got out of it’s hole. Where’s she headed? Cleveland, Ohio? Seems I’ve seen this before. Is this old news? Alex Lasker, 16 hours ago A team of researchers, including StephenContinueContinue reading “Scientists to investigate if cigar-shaped asteroid could be an alien spacecraft”