The Greatest Civilization

If the greatest civilization on earth enslaved, tortured and slaughtered animals for their pleasure or feigned necessity it was and is not great. There are no great civilizations. Not yet. Can a people call themselves civilized while participating in GRUE? No. It’s a lie perpetuated by states and religions. new

Different Reads For Different Breeds

Many people repeat what they read and stand by it no matter what. Others seek to figure out what they read and are flexible in their conclusions. I am the latter breed of animal. Stand by what somebody else says or draw your own conclusions until new information is revealed? Which are you? new

McDonald’s Convert to Animal-Free Plant-Based Globally

Open up the slaughterhouses. What, the electrical barbed wire fence is to keep the cows from jumping the fence? Wake up! It’s to keep you from seeing the horror inside, because if you did, you’d shut them all down. You’d find something better to eat. McDonald’s has many options, one of which is to convertContinueContinue reading “McDonald’s Convert to Animal-Free Plant-Based Globally”

They’re Dancing For You

God says the best way to mourn the loss of a loved one is in any way that honors your own life. That will make them happy to see you happy. Your loved ones who have passed to the other side, do not want you perpetually pining for them. They are with you; you justContinueContinue reading “They’re Dancing For You”

Government Sounds Too Much Like Family

We need to stop trying to make the inner workings of government sound like they match the inner workings of our families. Everybody’s family is dysfunctional, so what we get is a dysfunctional government. Or a standardized family? The family should actually be out in front of government and religion. Otherwise it is always governmentContinueContinue reading “Government Sounds Too Much Like Family”

Fact Checking Face Talking

TALK ABOUT FACT CHECKING How do you fact check face-talking, lip smacking, snorting, tsking, eye rolling and eyebrow language etc. that every opinion news broadcaster uses to communicate to the audience and the guests to sway their opinions? Bet there are a lot of lies being told through face-talking on all types of news shows.ContinueContinue reading “Fact Checking Face Talking”

Benjamin Netanyahu aka Benzion Mileikowsky

Is the only high profile person in the world who benefitted from the spread of the coronavirus. The timing. Timing is everything. Imagine for the rest of his life and throughout history he will be known as the one who lost, then won, because of the spread of coronavirus. His name for all time willContinueContinue reading “Benjamin Netanyahu aka Benzion Mileikowsky”


“Jews need to stop acting oppressed when they’re not. American Africans need to stop acting like slaves when they’re not. Both dim the cries of other oppressed groups, and enslave a nation and world by screaming about their own past that is over. ” HWHTweet “Neither the NAACP nor the Anti-Defamation League engage in anyContinueContinue reading “YOUR PAST DOESN’T EXIST – GET OUT OF IT”


“Senator John McCain negated his own torture bill by inserting ‘reserving the right’ to do just that. Once again, the tortured became the torturer.” HWHTweet “Maybe the one who has experienced torture isn’t the best one to be fighting against it. Why should they keep reliving the nightmare? Let others who haven’t been tortured doContinueContinue reading “NEGATING BY RESERVING THE RIGHT”


“Contribution cannot, nor should it, be measured or rated. A paralyzed person confined to a bed continues to make a contribution to all of the lives who encounter that person.” HWHTweet “A brain dead person makes a contribution to all life by forcing us to demonstrate the compassion we feel, by compassionately being their bridgeContinueContinue reading “CONTRIBUTION”


“Strong individuals produce strong groups. However, the responsibility does not lie solely with the individual. It is the responsibility of the group dynamic to respect each individual’s right to develop at their own pace, using their unique talents and gifts to advance their own selves and the group in positive, forward moving ways. No oneContinueContinue reading “INDIVIDUALS AND GROUPS”


“If you can’t figure out what a sign means, and given that you think it’s a sign, don’t worry about it; God will find another way to sign to you. God does know all things, but not all things all at once. God makes mistakes, just as we do. HWHTweet I get a kick outContinueContinue reading “GOD AND SIGNS”


“If you think everybody should like you because you’re gay, or black, or Jew etc., then when somebody doesn’t like you, you’ll blame your sexual orientation, color or religion, instead of looking to your own behavior as a possible or probable cause.” HWHTweet