Who’s On The Roof Where I Live?

9:05 AM 12 July 2021 NEW DEVELOPMENT. TWO PEOPLE ON THE ROOF WITHIN SURFACE-TO-WINDOW-SHOT OF MY APARTMENT. NO IDENTIFYING NAME TAGS OR COMPANY NAME. PUTTING ON A SHOW FOR WHOM? 1- The first time the guy appeared alone, bending over the side of the roof top on the black square, it looked like he wasContinueContinue reading “Who’s On The Roof Where I Live?”

Dems Appease Black Lives Terrorists With A State

HWH Commentary: Democrats claim: The federal government is occupying the District of Columbia. Sounds like Israel occupying Palestine. Frankly with such a high percentage of blacks living in the District of Columbia it sounds more like they’re the occupiers. Since when does the USA government reward home grown terrorism by giving the terrorists a stateContinueContinue reading “Dems Appease Black Lives Terrorists With A State”


States have the power to erect their own wall on their southern borders to control the flow of immigrants entering their respective States and to establish border crossings. But the states don’t want to pay for it. Still, I would apply as a state for federal funding for the wall. Each border state affected byContinueContinue reading “To The States: BUILD YOUR OWN WALL”

The Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence The Want, Will, and Hopes of the People IN CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776 The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers ofContinueContinue reading “The Declaration of Independence”