Cognitive Dissonance Is Not A Mental Illness

Cognitive dissonance is not a mental illness as some British Facebook trolls claim. The brain learns for survival sake to block out the horror that the majority engages in, in this case eating animals, so the organism can survive and thrive in its presence. It’s not unlike the parents of a child who is abductedContinueContinue reading “Cognitive Dissonance Is Not A Mental Illness”

the question is do you train the submissive to submit more or the bully to submit more?

Why does Facebook allow one person under the same name to have multiple profile-based accounts? All they need to do is refrain from using any of the trigger words that bring the account to the attention of Artificial Intelligence. No ‘bad’ words. Show me a person who couldn’t be torn to ribbons by their ownContinueContinue reading “the question is do you train the submissive to submit more or the bully to submit more?”

Facebook Patterns Its Policies After Dictatorships

Adults playing childish games with people’s thoughts and views. THE JAIL HAPPY PEOPLE @ FACEBOOK shouldn’t be censoring anybody unless they are committing a crime. And even then, people in the USA have been bred to expect innocent until proven guilty by a jury of their peers, no matter the offense, not by a juryContinueContinue reading “Facebook Patterns Its Policies After Dictatorships”

Trolls Are Hoarders And Hunters By Nature

Mentally ill people should not be allowed to beat people up for therapy on social media. It happens all over social media. That’s where the abusers congregate under the auspices of TROLL to get their daily dose of treatment by abusing others. Facebook allows it, since they’re told by government forces, better to let themContinueContinue reading “Trolls Are Hoarders And Hunters By Nature”

Streets Of Social Media Where Nobody Knows Your Name

I’m not much of a ‘get you back’ type of person for something you said or did that offended me. I don’t like the fight. For those who say they don’t either, their eyes and actions tell a different story. “I hate it when I do that, but I keep doing it”, I often hearContinueContinue reading “Streets Of Social Media Where Nobody Knows Your Name”

Trolls and Trash

TROLLS on social media call white people trash and get away with it, because they troll with a white face. PREJUDICE ALERT. Calling white people trash is the same as calling black people nigger. Just because black people say it isn’t so, doesn’t make it so. And it definitely matters to white peoples. Just becauseContinueContinue reading “Trolls and Trash”

Slaughter Industry Trolls

SLAUGHTER INDUSTRY TROLLS THEY HIRE SOME OF THE MOST EVIL – dare I say people – in the people-hurting and business-destroying industry. You know when they start desecrating The Animal-Free Chef’s recipes peppered all over Instagram, that the SLAUGHTER INDUSTRY FEARS THE ANIMAL-FREE CHEF. One example: wallgems commented: Olives again? You know they don’t belong in thisContinueContinue reading “Slaughter Industry Trolls”

Trolls For Hire?

Do trolls operate by a code of rules? You know, those people who eviscerate others for their views on social media and news outlet comment sections? If not, then why not, when every other person on the planet has to play by a set of rules? Who are they? Anonymous isn’t an identifiable person. UsingContinueContinue reading “Trolls For Hire?”