Cultural Appropriation And Gentrification Are Like Herd Immunity

Cultural Appropriation And Gentrification Is Like Herd Immunity People tend to do what people around them do. It’s an animal trait. That’s how we learn. It’s like herd immunity. When everybody does something it becomes normal and accepted.  All this talk about cultural appropriation and gentrification being prejudicial and discriminatory is a scam by theContinueContinue reading “Cultural Appropriation And Gentrification Are Like Herd Immunity”

Finally a doctor believed I was sick without a fever

Steve recently went to the doctor, and tested positive for COVID. He was prescribed anti-virals and told to have me, his wife, come in and be tested, so they could start treatment. If I tested negative, then I’d stop the meds. It evidently needs to be treated within three days to be effective. I testedContinueContinue reading “Finally a doctor believed I was sick without a fever”

Cleveland Clinic Nurse Gives Patient Pfizer Booster #4 From Her Purse

That almost killed me and still might. Extreme, recurring vasculitis was one of the results. Still no word from Pfizer or the Cleveland Clinic Foundation and it’s been well over one year. Looks like they’re waiting for me to die.

The Pfizers Sores Came Back one year almost to the day

CCF lawyers edited all the current test results, in my medical chart at Cleveland Clinic Foundation, except one, or so they claim after I inquired about it to my Dr. in writing on MyChart and over the phone. Bacteria originally was found in the urine and a small amount in the biopsied vasculitis. When IContinueContinue reading “The Pfizers Sores Came Back one year almost to the day”

Cancer and Vaccines

Cancer and Vaccines Some people think cancer is a virus because it replicates itself so quickly, just like viruses do. Why then, would scientists use a known carcinogen as an ingredient in the vaccines designed to render non-contagious any virus? It’s called PEG. Rapid growth is the characteristic\trait that kills. The virus still grows toContinueContinue reading “Cancer and Vaccines”

A Cure Blocked By Pfizer And Clinics They Serve?

The enemy doesn’t have an antidote even if one exists. Remember that. Especially if they’re conducting a study in absence of one. One must wonder why Pfizer Pharmaceuticals (sic) doesn’t develop antidotes to every vaccine they develop for instances where side effects become severe. A patient not being able to prove the severe side effectContinueContinue reading “A Cure Blocked By Pfizer And Clinics They Serve?”

Vaccine Designers Pulling The Masks Over The Eyes Of The World

My Experience. The effects of the original virus before I was vaccinated left, naturally, a long time ago. What stayed were the vaccines, all the COVID symptoms turned to vaccine symptoms absent the fever. Too many vaccines puts one in vaccine overload, which creates more intense symptoms, some old, some new, some that may notContinueContinue reading “Vaccine Designers Pulling The Masks Over The Eyes Of The World”